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Feb 29, 2024
We are focusing on sustainability with a new photovoltaic system

We have recently taken a significant step towards sustainability. We have installed a modern photovoltaic system at our headquarters in Dierikon. This initiative not only marks a milestone in our commitment to sustainability but also strengthens our image as an environmentally conscious company. With this measure, we aim to highlight the importance of sustainable practices in today's business world.

The facts about the photovoltaic system are impressive: covering an area of 815 square meters and comprising 420 solar panels, we generate a proud 174 kilowatts peak (kWp) of clean energy. This output covers the average electricity consumption of approximately 40 households with four people each per year, making a significant contribution to reducing our carbon footprint.

Our decision to install this system was driven not only by economic considerations but also by our environmental consciousness. It is important for us to make a contribution, even for future generations. This commitment is reflected in our corporate values and is part of our vision for a more sustainable future.

To ensure that our vision becomes a reality, we collaborated closely with Convoltas, a company based in Central Switzerland. Their technical expertise and their transparent and professional approach convinced us. The collaboration went smoothly, and the highlight of the entire process was the commissioning of the system and the moment when the first employee charged their private electric vehicle at one of our electric charging stations.

For us, the use of renewable energy is about more than just the ecological aspect. In addition to reducing operating costs, our long-term plan is to use the self-generated electricity for internal purposes, including office supplies, air conditioning, and technology. Additionally, in the medium term, we aim to equip our fleet with electric vehicles to make further contributions to energy-efficient mobility.


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